Find Her Spark Individual Coaching

Are you wondering what path to take? 
  • Choose Individual coaching for a deep look at your strengths and how to apply them to your current challenges.

  • Coaching packages are available for ongoing support via resources, email and chat over the course of our agreement.

Individual Coaching Blueprint

Hiring a coach is one of the best investments you can make. Good coaching is based on your needs and strengths, and each session is tailored uniquely to you. We know that sometimes it helps to see a sample of what happens in coaching, so here’s a blueprint for you:

Session One


  • You will gain a deep understanding of your assessment results and your unique strengths.

  • You will discover how to activate your unique strengths to add success and joy to your life.

  • You will learn how to communicate your strengths to others.

Session Two


  • You will utilize your strengths to work through a specific problem you have identified.

  • You will discover how your unique strengths pairings can be used to activate your days.

  • You will learn about your blind sides and discover how to use your strengths to cover your weaknesses.

Session Three


  • You will discover how your strengths can impact your long-term success.

  • You will set goals and an action plan for personal and professional development.

  • You will discover how to communicate your strengths to open up career advancement and personal aspirations.

Stay Tuned

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